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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102259/01
Title Total Software Energy Reporting and Optimization (TSERO)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Allinea Software Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 June 2015
End Date 31 May 2017
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £505,436
Industrial Sectors
Region West Midlands
Programme Competition Call: 1409_CRD2_ETECH_I_ENEFCOM - Scaling up Energy Efficient Computing 2 (EEC II). Activity Scaling up energy - efficient computing
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Allinea Software Limited (26.526%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Embecosm Limited (15.160%)
Project Contact , Concurrent Thinking Limited (26.710%)
Project Contact , STFC Laboratories RAL Space (31.604%)
Web Site
Abstract Public Description of the Project The UK has world leading technology for monitoring high performance computing (HPC) systems and for compiling programs for energy efficiency. This project brings these technologies together to provide an end-to-end system to significantly reduce the energy used by such systems, using the STFC's HPC facilities to demonstrate its effectiveness. Advancing such technology carries risks, but made possible through Innovate UK support. As well as HPC, the technology is applicable to the much larger data centre market, the annual electricity bill for which is $7.6Bn in the US alone. This project has the potential to reduce that by 20%. This will yield commercial benefits to the industrial participants, all small, export based UK companies addressing this global market as well as to the wider UK economy. It will also have major environmental benefits, by reducing CO2 emissions.Public Description of the Project The UK has world leading technology for monitoring high performance computing (HPC) systems and for compiling programs for energy efficiency. This project brings these technologies together to provide an end-to-end system to significantly reduce the energy used by such systems, using the STFC's HPC facilities to demonstrate its effectiveness. Advancing such technology carries risks, but made possible through Innovate UK support. As well as HPC, the technology is applicable to the much larger data centre market, the annual electricity bill for which is $7.6Bn in the US alone. This project has the potential to reduce that by 20%. This will yield commercial benefits to the industrial participants, all small, export based UK companies addressing this global market as well as to the wider UK economy. It will also have major environmental benefits, by reducing CO2 emissions.Public Description of the Project The UK has world leading technology for monitoring high performance computing (HPC) systems and for compiling programs for energy efficiency. This project brings these technologies together to provide an end-to-end system to significantly reduce the energy used by such systems, using the STFC's HPC facilities to demonstrate its effectiveness. Advancing such technology carries risks, but made possible through Innovate UK support. As well as HPC, the technology is applicable to the much larger data centre market, the annual electricity bill for which is $7.6Bn in the US alone. This project has the potential to reduce that by 20%. This will yield commercial benefits to the industrial participants, all small, export based UK companies addressing this global market as well as to the wider UK economy. It will also have major environmental benefits, by reducing CO2 emissions.Public Description of the Project The UK has world leading technology for monitoring high performance computing (HPC) systems and for compiling programs for energy efficiency. This project brings these technologies together to provide an end-to-end system to significantly reduce the energy used by such systems, using the STFC's HPC facilities to demonstrate its effectiveness. Advancing such technology carries risks, but made possible through Innovate UK support. As well as HPC, the technology is applicable to the much larger data centre market, the annual electricity bill for which is $7.6Bn in the US alone. This project has the potential to reduce that by 20%. This will yield commercial benefits to the industrial participants, all small, export based UK companies addressing this global market as well as to the wider UK economy. It will also have major environmental benefits, by reducing CO2 emissions.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 04/12/15